Java Object toString() method:
This method is used to view the text format of object created in heap;
after the @ symbol. hex decimal value of object .that created in heap
This method is used to view the text format of object created in heap;
class ToStringTest{ public static void main(String[] ags){ ToStringTest tst = new ToStringTest(); System.out.println("Object value"+tst); System.out.println("Hash Code"+tst.hashCode()); } }
When JVM executing this line (ToStringTest tst = new ToStringTest())
1)The tst reference variable created in the stack ,
2)By new operator object creation in heap.(memory space allocating for the object)
3)Assignment operator = is used for the assign the created object to reference variable
output is Object value ToStringTest@35c41b
Hash Code 32429958
32429958 is interger value for object creatd location heap
after the @ symbol. hex decimal value of object .that created in heap