Oracle Function
Following Link shows My sql date Format
my sql date format
You can't specify target table table name for update in FROM clause
The above mentioned error occur when you try to execute the update statement with condition get from same table
Error Query
To solve the by using temp table
Solved Query
Mysql Query Serial Number select statement
MySql queries For Replace special Character into HTML tags and change content to UTF8
Mysql 3rd maximum salary
Insert values into table, value get from another table
My sql insert many row in single query
Below query is used for insert the 3 row in single insert statement
Following Link shows My sql date Format
my sql date format
You can't specify target table table name for update in FROM clause
The above mentioned error occur when you try to execute the update statement with condition get from same table
Error Query
update employee_details set salary=10000 where salary =(select max(salary) from employee_details be);
To solve the by using temp table
Solved Query
update employee_details set salary='10000' where salary =(select sal from (select max(salary) as sal from employee_details be) as temp);
Mysql Query Serial Number select statement
SELECT @a:=@a+1 serial_number,,age FROM employee_details e, (SELECT @a:= 0) AS a;
MySql Show columns
SHOW COLUMNS FROM tableName where field like '%emp%';Here field is column name of table
MySql queries For Replace special Character into HTML tags and change content to UTF8
(REPLACE (REPLACE (REPLACE (REPLACE (REPLACE (REPLACE (REPLACE (REPLACE (REPLACE (REPLACE (REPLACE(CONVERT (REPLACE (REPLACE(CONVERT(columnName USING utf8),'\r\n','<br>'),' ',' ')USING 'UTF8'),':',':'),'~','˜'),'!','!'),'@','@'),'#','#'),'$','$'),'%','%'),'*','*'),'(','('),')',')'),'_','_'),'+','+'),'{','{'),'}','}'),'[','['),']',']'),'^','ˆ'),':',':'),'','"'),'?','?') AS instruction FROM tablename
Mysql 3rd maximum salary
SELECT e.salary FROM salary_details e ORDER BY empid DESC LIMIT 2,1 ;
Insert values into table, value get from another table
insert into employee(name,age) select name,age from master_employee;
My sql insert many row in single query
Below query is used for insert the 3 row in single insert statement
INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME (column1,column2,column3,column4,) VALUES
(v1, v2,v3,v4),
Restart mysql
service mysql restart
Get table backup or create table with select query.
create table my_table_back
as select * from my_table;
insert with select query.
insert into workflow.conversion_check_list_details (check_list_name, workflow_id, sas_id, product_type_id)
select instruction_name,'7' as workflow_id,'479' as sasid,'15' as product_ID from workflow.instruction_deliverable_mapping ind ,workflow.cfg_instruction_catalog cic where workflow_id = 17
and ind.instruction_id = cic.instruction_id
and is_prerequisite='n'
and deliverables_id = 438;
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